Friday, January 27, 2012

Calendar of Events

We have determined most of our special event dates for the rest of the club year.  One such event is the Grand Prix, where you build and race your own pine-block car down the 4-lane track against other Clubbers.  We will be selling car kits by February, and you can either take it home and build it on your own or join us on one of our workshop days we will be hosting at the church.  We have tools and people available to help you build your car if you have need.  The actual race will take place in March, and winners from our club will qualify to go to the Grand Prix Open, either in Winnipeg or Steinbach.

February 24 (Fri) - Theme Night (theme TBD...more later)
February 25 (Sat) - First Grand Prix Workshop
March 3 (Sat) - Second Grand Prix Workshop
March 16 (Fri) - Grand Prix Races at our Church
March 23 (Fri) - last regular Awana club meeting
April ? - Grand Prix Open Races for qualified racers
Example of Grand Prix cars at the finish line

Friday, January 13, 2012

Upcoming Events

Looks like a little more snow tonight; I guess we can't complain.  Here are some upcoming dates/activities for the rest of January...

Tonight - club already in progress
Jan.20th - regular club night, Gilbert has council time
Jan.27th - regular club night, the 24-7 group has a special council time

I'm working on dates for our Fun Fair and for our Grand Prix Races; once I book the track I will set a date for the race, and that will likely come near the end of club year in early April.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

Tonight is flash-light night, and I hope to have a couple more theme nights between now and spring.  Also coming up closer to spring will be the fun fair and the grand prix races.  I'll post more when we actually set the dates.