For those who won at our Grand Prix last week in either speed or design (first, second, third and fourth) those people are invited to compete at the Grand Prix Open in Winnipeg, April 14th (Saturday).
The races will be held at Victory Baptist Church, which is on 3428 Portage Ave, only about 5 minutes inside the city on this (west) end. Registration is at 11:30am, with races starting at 1:00pm. They will have a canteen, and each car entered to compete will cost you $6.00. There are also door prizes.
If you did not win, but would like to go check it out, you're also welcome. I don't think they charge spectators anything.
Racers, please make very sure your car is 150g or less in weight, as they will not be giving any grace at the Open; everyone MUST be at or under 150g or you will not be allowed to compete.